Family dental care

Nowadays In the modern world, Dental issues and diseases have been common among kids and adults. According to the report of the National Center for Health Statistics, one person in every four adults has untreated tooth decay, as well as 42% of children between the age of 2 and 11, are suffering from dental caries in their primary teeth. Family dentistry is the best option which can improve such dental problems as well as it is allowing your family members to have healthy teeth and gums. At Shanti Dental Clinic we are offering family dentistry service for your family which we will provide you with, an experienced family dentist.

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family dental care
Children Dentistry

Children Dentistry

Children’s dentistry is different from general dentistry. The dentists who handle the issues of children are known as Pediatric dentists. They treat dental problems for kids, toddlers, as well as for teenagers. Some kids are mentally or physically challenged so they need more care and attention, especially in the case of oral health. At Shanti Dental Clinic kids’ dental setup is generally child-friendly with a play area as well as equipment which supports them to make them feel special to kids and they feel comfortable due to the environment. A pediatric dentist can provide a wide range of treatment options, as well as expertise and training which can care for your child’s teeth, gums and mouth in the best way.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

This treatment supports repair as well as saving a badly damaged or infected tooth in the place of removing it. A root canal means cleaning the canals which are situated inside a tooth’s root. Root canal treatments often were painful some decades ago but at Shanti Dental Clinic, we generally provide a local anaesthetic. It makes the procedure painless as well as no more unpleasant than having a filling.

The major 4 Stages of Root Canal Treatment are:

Stage 1: Diagnosing the Infected Pulp.
Stage 2: Removal of the Infected Pulp.
Stage 3: A new Root Canal Filling is inserted.
Stage 4: The Tooth is Restored.

Teeth Grinding TMJ Disorder

Teeth Grinding TMJ Disorder

Many people who are suffering from TMJ problems do not grind their teeth, and many people who have been grinding their teeth for a long time don’t have any issues with their temporomandibular joint. Poor posture can also be a major factor in symptoms of TMJ disorders. For instance, the Wrong position of your head forward when you are looking towards a computer all day strains the muscles of your face and neck. Poor diet and sleep disorders may also be the reason behind TMJ symptoms.

Some alternative treatments contain stress-relief exercises as well as physical therapy, a change in oral habits (ice, chewing gum, biting nails, etc.), and in extreme cases, surgery may be required. So, at Shanti Dental Clinic we offer you TMJ specialists which can help you to resolve your issues.

Sleep Apnoea Snoring

Sleep Apnoea Snoring

Snoring is generally linked with a sleep disorder which is also known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Not all kinds of snorers are exists in OSA, but if snoring is attended by any of the symptoms, so you should consult a doctor for further evaluation and treatment for OSA: Excessive daytime sleepiness and Witnessed breathing pauses during sleep.

The issue of sleep apnea can resolve if you reduce your heavyweight. Exercise and a proper diet on daily basis are also useful to overcome the issue of snoring. Sometimes to overcome this issue your doctor may suggest a device which is known as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth which are also known as third molars are the last permanent teeth to seem (erupt) in the mouth. These teeth generally appear between the ages of 17 years to 25 years. Wisdom teeth never develop in some people. Our ancestors’ primitive diet includes a lot of hard nuts, raw plants, as well as tough meats — and wisdom teeth were important to grind these foods for appropriate digestion. Today’s modern food preparation as well as eating utensils have removed our necessity for wisdom teeth.

The removal of a wisdom tooth is a surgical process to remove one or more wisdom teeth. There are four wisdom teeth are located in our mouth at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom.

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You can rest assured knowing that our highly competent team is passionate and experienced in helping your family with any oral problems. Reach us today!

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