Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is a way to treat a variety of dental problems by using lasers. It could make some dental procedures that involve hard or soft tissue more comfortable than drills and other tools that aren’t lasers. Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) is the name for this process. The instrument makes a very narrow and focused beam of light. When this laser light hits tissue, it causes a reaction. This makes it possible to cut or shape the tissue. Lasers can help make dental care faster, cheaper, and more comfortable.

All lasers send out energy in the form of light to do their jobs. When used in dentistry, the laser cuts or vaporizes the tissue it touches. When the laser is used to whiten teeth, it acts as a heat source and makes the bleaching agents work better.

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laser dentistry
Hard Tissue Lasers

Hard Tissue Lasers

Most of the time, a hard tissue laser is used on your teeth. One of these lasers has a wavelength that can cut through water and bone, especially the calcium phosphate in your teeth and bones. These lasers can cut into your teeth precisely, removing small amounts to shape them or prepare them for procedures.

Soft Tissue Lasers

Soft Tissue Lasers

Soft tissue lasers use a wavelength of light that is easy for haemoglobin and water to take in. Haemoglobin is a molecule in blood, which is why soft tissue lasers are great for working on gums. Some soft tissue lasers are continuous-wave lasers called diode lasers. These lasers are perfect for cutting soft tissue and closing off the blood vessels that are exposed simultaneously. This is why you don’t bleed much during laser dentistry and heal faster after it. When it comes to cosmetic procedures, soft tissue lasers are great because you can see results right away.

Whether you have laser gum surgery or work done on hard tissue, you can expect the procedure to be easier, and the time it takes to heal to be shorter. Laser dentistry is an easy way to fix many oral and dental problems, whether serious or just cosmetic. Ask your dentist at Shanti dental clinic about laser dentistry the next time you need dental work.

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