Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a way to make teeth look better from the outside. Bleach or other things are used to make teeth look whiter. Some foods, like coffee and cigarettes, can make your teeth look yellow. Bleaching agents help make your teeth lighter in colour and whiter and brighter. A dental exam by the dentist will help you figure out how to whiten your teeth. Teeth bleaching, also known as teeth whitening, is the least expensive, least invasive, and most cost-effective way to improve your smile. This is why so many people choose teeth bleaching to improve their smiles.

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How do Teeth whitening work?

How do Teeth whitening work?

The dentist uses a rubber shield or a gel to protect the gums and tissues of the patient. Also, a whitening gel is put on the teeth. This gel contains hydrogen peroxide, a bleaching agent that changes the colour of teeth and gives them a bright white shine. The stains are taken off with this bleaching agent, and a Blue Spectrum LED Light is used to make the teeth shine because its wavelength is the same as that of the whitening gel.

During this process, a bleaching agent is put on the teeth for 30 minutes throughout two to three cycles, depending on how badly the teeth are stained. After the whole process is done, the colour is brighter white. People are told to stay away from food that is too hot or too cold for a few days. Your dentist will tell you how to care for your teeth after bleaching. Our method for whitening teeth is both quick and very good. The gel has a buffer that keeps the tooth enamel from getting hurt. It works very well and can change your teeth in just one visit of about 45 minutes. Your teeth can get up to 10 shades whiter in about an hour.

Visit or make an appointment

Visit or make an appointment

At the Shanti dental clinic our well-known cosmetic dentist, will first examine your teeth, figure out what kind of discolouration you have, and talk to you about the goals of the treatment before starting the teeth-whitening process.

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You can rest assured knowing that our highly competent team is passionate and experienced in helping your family with any oral problems. Reach us today!

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